Bolts, screws, rivets, clips, pins, nuts and washers in a variety of styles and sizes
Hose clips, lynch pins, r-clips, assorted boxes, battery terminals
Dust masks, googles, glasses, various gloves, ear defenders, first aid
Cutting & grinding disks, hacksaw blades, abrasives and various drill bits
Hammers, various different types of pliers, spanners, tape measures
Torches, automotive bulbs
Cable ties, electrical tape, wire connectors, auto cable, fuses
Various lubricants, paints, grease, industrial glues
Workshop Systems
We offer bespoke workshop setups, installed on site. These come fully loaded with a variety of consumables of your choice (bolts, screws, washers, nyloc nuts etc). We can also work with any existing plates or bins you have, consolidating/reorganising existing stock and adding extra sizes to provide a more extensive range. We also offer custom selections in heavy duty tool boxes if you prefer.
Once installed, we revisit every 4-6 months to check stock levels and replenish where necessary, saving you time and money from waiting in queues or scrolling through countless websites. Pics below are just a few of such setups that have been installed for our customers. There is a price guide for these on the left, but as these are fully custom setups please do get in touch to discuss.
Any questions? Please email using the form or call direct, we would love to hear from you!